Activating your Kit

Activating your kit? What? Why? ... By activating your kit and linking it to your account, you are unlocking an already vast collection of exclusive online support, guides, tutorials, techniques, ideas (take a breath), videos, giveaways, extra tools, spare waxes and MORE! It's completely free to do so, and takes 20 seconds!

Create an Account or Login

If this is your first visit to the CAST website, you'll need to create an account first. Otherwise, you can login to get started.

Activate your Kit

Head over to the 'Kit Register' form. Simply enter your name, email and your unique Kit ID code. Once complete, that's it! 🤩 Your access is unlocked, unlimited and never expires.

Can't find your Unique Kit ID

You can find your unique kit ID on your secure return tin, the back of your freepost envelope and inside your enclosed CAST foldout guide.

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